Safe and Effective Dry Ice Blasting
Dry ice blasting is a non-damaging method of cleaning and getting rid of unwanted materials like paint or dirt on surfaces. There are many benefits of dry ice blasting along with various reasons why this is one of the safest and best cleaning methods available.
Non-Abrasive, Non-Conductive, Dry Process
Dry ice cleaning is a dry process, so pieces of equipment that are easily damaged or broken can be cleaned easily. The reduction in the value of such equipment is avoided since surfaces are treated gently.Â
Personnel Safety
Staff is not exposed to harmful chemicals and by-products. Dry ice blasting is completely non-toxic and does not produce any harmful by-products nor does it contribute to greenhouse effects making it also environmentally friendly.
Fast and Effective
The extremely high cleaning speed and a broad range of nozzles make it simple to clean inaccessible equipment and items quickly. Not to mention equipment can be cleaned while routine operations are in progress!
Sanitation & Decontamination
Dry ice blasting can eliminate mold and bacteria from various surfaces like stainless steel, ceramic tile, and food-grade plastics.Â