Are You a Beginner Welder?
Are You a Beginner Welder
Are you a beginner welder? Here’s how nexAir can give you a leg up.
Welding is a skill-driven profession that requires precision, dexterity, and acumen – all of which generally come after a few years on the job. But being in the early stages of your welding career doesn’t have to be your disadvantage. What you lack in experience, you can compensate with proficiency by learning from the experts.
nexAir can help hone your skills and gain new knowledge right in your workplace. Here’s how!
Carving Your Career Path as a Welding Professional
Welding is considered one of the most secure and rewarding jobs in the U.S. Many sectors require this critical and highly technical skill – construction, aerospace, manufacturing, shipbuilding, petrochemical, and automotive, to name a few. Welding is top on the list if there’s one skill you can invest in and expect good career prospects.
But with the upsurge in the welding industry and many workers carving their career path as welders, you may think that the welding profession space has become saturated. While job opportunities are available in various industries and niches, proactively looking for ways to raise your game can make you more competitive.
To do this, you can apply for apprenticeships in companies, take up a welding certification program, or an associate degree course in welding engineering technology.
If you already have beginner-level welding skills and are currently employed in a company, you can further your knowledge and practice by taking on roles where you can learn advanced techniques in welding. You can also participate in company-initiated training and demo classes.
The nexAir KnowHow Advantage
At nexAir, we provide our clients with firsthand training and seminars to teach their employees the newest welding technologies. This training comes from our team of welding masters and engineers. You can take advantage of this learning opportunity by participating in our Advanced Welding and Cutting Demonstration Labs, designed to elevate the profession and contribute to our client’s profitability by having an efficient and well-equipped workforce.
What You Will Learn
We help companies and welders Forge Forward by leveraging our program and imparting knowledge on advanced laser welding and cutting systems, the latest pulsed-MIG, TIG, sub-arc equipment, MIG welding techniques, welding automation, robotics, and knowledge in handling top-of-the-line tools and technologies.
We also sell equipment used in our demo labs so you can practice independently and upgrade your skill at your own pace.
Access to industry-grade equipment and expert mentors can accelerate your learning process and improve your performance in less time. Armed with this, you can have the advantage of qualifying for promotions, as well as working in industries where your expertise fits the most.
You can develop mastery of your craft through continuous learning and by exposing yourself to environments with a culture for upgrading skill sets. This is why nexAir has been the preferred partner of many businesses that want to boost their profitability and promote their employees’ skill levels.
With nexAir, your next-level expertise is within reach, and your career goals are always in a forward-moving direction!
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