nexAir’s Gas Solutions for Precision Welding: Ensuring Perfect Joints Every Time

Welders across industries rely on state-of-the-art equipment, high-quality products, and extensive KnowHow to operate with efficiency and productivity. And as a leading provider of all three, nexAir has a proven record of helping these professionals succeed.

But if there’s one area in which we truly excel — it’s our advanced gas solutions. We supply a diverse list of high-purity shielding gases, which, when coupled with our consistent delivery systems, enables welders to create joints with high levels of precision.


How Industrial Gas Improves Welding Precision

As you may be aware, precision welding has a very low margin for error. This technique is used in crucial industries like aerospace, construction, and healthcare, where even the smallest mistake can have catastrophic consequences.

Gases are crucial to preventing such mishaps. Shielding gases, for example, are employed across various processes to protect the weld pool from contamination. The type of gas and quantity used have a major bearing on:

  • Penetration depth
  • Arc stability 
  • Spatter control 
  • Heat input
  • Weld pool behavior

The purity of the gases also has a role to play. Even the slightest contamination impacts the quality of the weld and leads to porosity, cracks, or weak joints.

Moreover, delivery mechanisms are crucial, too. Without a steady stream of gas, contaminants can easily seep into the weld pool and cause a host of defects.


How nexAir’s Gas Solutions Ensure Precision

At nexAir, we offer a wide range of solutions designed to optimize various aspects of precision welding. Shielding gases are produced in a state-of-the-art facility by a team with years of practical experience and expertise. As a result, we are known for our: 

Custom Gas Blends

Our team works around the clock to create bespoke blends that inject more precision into welding. On the nexAir Now ecommerce platform, you’ll find a long list of these mixtures. Here are three examples of gases commonly used in TIG precision welding:

    • Pure argon: This inert gas is favored for its versatility since it can be used on a range of metals, including aluminum and stainless steel
    • Argon-Helium: Depending on the ratio of each gas used, welders can adjust for the thickness of a metal as well as stabilize the arc
  • Hydrogen-Argon: Hydrogen, when introduced in certain quantities, increases the heat input and prevents oxidation

And that’s barely scratching the surface. Browse the nexAir store to get an idea of our extensive options. 

Consistent Gas Supply

All our gas management systems are geared toward ensuring consistency.

Cutting-edge smart monitors, for example, help welders track usage, assess optimal mixtures, and ensure that there’s never a break in the supply.

Moreover, the delivery mechanisms themselves are engineered to ensure consistent flow rates, stable pressure, and optimal performance. In between microbulk tanks, portable containers, and on-site generation solutions, we ensure that welders across industries have access to all the tools they need to improve their output.

Safety and Compliance Standards

All our gases and equipment meet the strictest quality control standards. This essentially guarantees that welders never receive mislabeled products or face sudden interruptions. Regular maintenance practices allow us to discover impurities early on, while comprehensive training ensures our staff handles tricky blends with extra care.


Forge Forward with Enhanced Precision

For over 80 years, nexAir has helped industries across the Southeast Forge Forward with confidence. Our unique gas blends and advanced delivery mechanisms have helped reduce errors, save costs, and improve the quality of welds. 

To learn more about our products, visit the nexAir Now platform today.

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