LightWELD Laser Welder
The LightWELD handheld laser welder enables dramatically faster welding, is easier to learn and operate, and provides higher-quality, consistent results across a wider range of materials and thicknesses than MIG or TIG with minimal distortion, undercut or burn-through. The heat affected zone is dramatically minimized, as is the need for traditional post-processing grinding or polishing for increased productivity, less scrap and lower cost-per-part.
Up to 1500 W Up to 2500 W
Stainless Steel, Galvanized Steel, Mild Steel and Aluminum: Up to 4 mm
Copper: Up to 1mm
• Air-Cooled Base Unit
• 5 m (16 ft) IPG Laser Welding Gun – Optional 10 m (32 ft) Cable
• 5 m (16 ft) Workpiece Clamp – Optional 10 m (32 ft)
• Getting Started Guide
• (4) Welding Nozzle Tips
• Metal fabrication shops • Auto body applications • Maintenance and repair
• Construction and piping • Farm, furniture & appliances • Aerospace & transportation
LightWELD Material Range

Single side weld
Double side weld
Mild Steel
up to 4 mm
up to 4 mm
up to 1 mm
up to 10 mm
up to 10 mm
up to 2 mm
Mild Steel
Single side weld
Mild Steel up to 4 mm
Aluminum up to 4 mm
Copper up to 1 mm
Double side weld
Mild Steel up to 10 mm
Aluminum up to 10 mm
Copper up to 2 mm
LightWELD Handheld Laser Welder Features
Laser power up to 1500 W is easily adjusted with intuitive controls to quickly dial in optimum weld settings for various materials and thicknesses. With 74 stored preset and user-defined process parameters, novice welders can be trained and welding in a matter of hours. Select stored modes provide up to 2500 W of high peak power for even greater welding capability.
LightWELD Process Automation & Programmability
• Predefined welding parameters for high-quality, consistent welds
• Novice welders are trained and welding in a matter of hours, reducing training and production costs
• Simple controls for selection of 74 stored modes and saving of user-defined process parameters
– Customized parameters for laser power, wobble width and frequency are saved to user-modes and recalled as needed
– Simple mode selection allows rapid switching between different material-thickness combinations
– Novice welders use stored parameters to achieve the same high-quality, consistent welds as seasoned operators
Compact Handheld Welding Gun
The handheld welding gun is compact, ergonomic and proven to be the most comfortable, well balanced and easy to use gun available. The light weight and built-in wobble functionality enables operators to produce high-quality welds consistently throughout the day and safely with its 2-step trigger.
Simple Installation and Operation
Built-in Wobble Welding for Increased Productivity
• Simple on-the-fly control of up to 5 mm of additional weld width with selectable frequencies
• Creates highly aesthetic seams and welding of parts with poor fit-up
Wobble parameters are preprogrammed and can be saved by the operator and recalled immediately as needed
Wobble welding creates wider & highly atteative seams up to 5mm
Optional Wire Feeding Package
• Wire welding capability extends laser welding applications to poorly fit-up parts
• Used for low carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, non-ferrous metals & alloys

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How can LightWELD help
you Forge Forward

Download the free whitepaper
How can LightWELD help
you Forge Forward
Nothing shows the power of the LightWELD like seeing it in action.
Advantages and Capabilities
TIG welding can generate extreme heat that deforms thin materials, and produces poor visual finishes. Welding copper is difficult and welding metals of dissimilar thicknesses is limited.
MIG welding requires consumable wire, material pre-cleaning and beveled joints for full penetration of thick metals. Travel and work angles are limited and vertical positions are extremely challenging
Unlike traditional methods, welding fixtures are simpler or not needed with LightWELD. Metals do not need to be pre-brushed or ground completely clean, and even novices can reliably weld materials with dissimilar thicknesses and high/low electrical conductivity.
LightWELD welds dissimilar metals of different thicknesses with ease and creates aesthetic high-strength joints with minimal or no consumable wire.

Vectis Cobot
CNC Plasma Cutting Systems
Welding Positioners
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