When National Tank expressed concern passing radiographic testing on their propane tests, their Territory Manager alongside the area Productivity Specialist decided to conduct a thorough study of their operations to determine the stem of the issue. During this two-day on-site visit, our team evaluated each step of National Tank’s production process to ensure we gathered all relevant information.
Through this analysis, we discovered that the backing bar was not able to fully penetrate the joint, leading to cracks and a porose weld. With their production nearly being cut in half due to these serious welding issues, we immediately shared our findings with National Tank to establish a plan of action. With the help of the area Productivity Specialist, the team decided to pursue a different technique utilizing ceramic tiles, eliminating the need for a backing bar. This new method not only solves this issue of defective welds but also increases productivity through a more efficient system. Additionally, our team recommended other areas of improvement including new tools and strategies that would result in approximately $70,000 in savings per year for the company.
Since the conclusion of this study, National Tank has implemented many of our suggestions. Ultimately, they have experienced improvements in their production process, safety procedures, and overall costs. As all nexAir customers are valued partners, the area Territory Manager continues to remain in close contact with the organization to provide expert industry knowledge and KnowHow.