How Industrial Gases Boost Business Performance
How Industrial Gases Boost Business Performance
Gaseous substances manufactured specifically for use in large volumes are labeled as industrial gases. These are mainly nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, argon, and acetylene, which are principal raw materials in manufacturing, services, and innovation. Various essential industries utilize industrial-grade gases, including health care, transportation, food processing, and academic research.
For more than a century, industrial gases have propped the economy and served the population. From cleaning the air to preserving food and purifying water supplies, gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide help increase yields, reduce emissions, extend shelf life, make combustion processes efficient, and improve treatments.
Industrial gases are integral to life-saving hospital equipment, laboratory analysis, production of semiconductor chips for electronic devices, and fueling space exploration rockets. Thus, it is safe to say that many businesses cannot survive without industrial gases.
High-Quality Industrial Gases That Drive Your Business
Whether your business utilizes a standard gas or a complex one, it must adhere to safety standards. And because it is the bloodline of your enterprise, you should ensure that your industrial gas can help maintain the high performance of your operations.
At nexAir, our mission is to deliver top-tier quality industrial gases through FDA-compliant and ISO 17025-certified plants. With chemists, engineers, welding analysts, cryogenic technicians, and medical equipment specialists on our team, we guarantee to get the job done right and on time.
We pride ourselves on our unrivaled service standards. Complaints and issues are carefully measured and tracked, but we don’t stop there. Rather, we take corrective action and share our results directly with our customers.
The Right Industrial Gases in Their Appropriate Storage
nexAir understands that each industry requires a specific type of gas. We also recognize that every job prescribes gas in a particular kind of storage. Here’s a quick look at how we store gas:
High-Pressure Cylinders
When transporting compressed gases, safety is our utmost priority. Therefore, our high-pressure cylinders are made of aluminum and steel. These are often used with inert and oxidizing gases at high pressures in volumes of 10 to 400 cubic feet.
Low-Pressure Cylinders
Our low-pressure cylinders can store volumes of 10 to 390 cubic feet for flammable gases, such as acetylene and propane.
Liquid Cylinders
Inert gases in liquid form, like liquid argon or liquid oxygen, are commonly used in welding applications. We provide these supplies in 85% filled cylinders under the right pressure to safeguard against explosion.
Used for small purge jobs, our skids typically contain multiple cylinders of argon, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, or oxygen manifolded together.
Microbulk Systems
We offer this service to businesses requiring a permanent installation of tanks that can be refilled on-site. Our nexAir microbulk gas system tanks range from 450 to 3,000 liters in capacity. For large demands such as these, a microbulk system is more efficient than cylinders but more affordable than bulk.
Tube Trailers
Some gases necessitate high volume and high-pressure storage at the same time. These include helium, helium mixes, hydrogen, and nitrogen. In this case, we deliver them in tubes hauled by trailers. We can also accommodate tanks of varying lengths in one haul.
Portable Bulk Systems
When you need argon, oxygen, nitrogen, or any other gas to do a large onsite job, our portable bulk systems are a reliable, convenient option.
Bulk Systems
Our custom installation service for high-volume tanks with a capacity of up to 13,000 gallons delivers an uninterrupted supply of high-quality gas. A customized bulk gas system ensures the best fit for your facility.
You can browse our full list of gases here.
Industries We Serve
You need industrial gases, equipment, and service that meet industry regulations and assure uninterrupted performance. We provide all these for the metal fabrication, medical, universities and research, aerospace, automotive, chemical, food and beverage, foundry, and general maintenance industries.
You can browse the full list of industries we serve here.
Final Thoughts
Technology has made it possible for industries to thrive at an unprecedented speed. However, availability and accessibility have led to stiffer competition between businesses that provide similar services and products. To get ahead and stay above the rest, power your business potential with the highest quality and most reliable industrial gases that only nexAir can provide.
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