Streamlining the Welding Process: nexAir’s Expertise in Welding Automation

Traditional manual welding has been instrumental in many industries—from aircraft manufacturing to household gadgets and beyond. While generally effective and reliable, pain points—such as human error, inconsistent quality, bottlenecks, work-related health hazards, accidents, and injuries—still need to be addressed.

Meanwhile, modern industries—such as space exploration and electronics—require fast, high-precision, and high-volume welding that cannot be achieved through manual welding. Fortunately, advancements in software, AI, and automation have led to more streamlined processes.  


nexAir’s Welding Automation Helps Businesses Forge Forward 

Welding automation addresses these challenges while enhancing production capabilities to meet the rising demand of today’s industries. It’s a win-win scenario where there is less strain on the workforce and more revenue. 

We provide supplies and the KnowHow to help companies get the most benefits from automated welding tools and processes. Our team trains our clients’ welding professionals, allowing them to upskill and explore professional growth opportunities in today’s landscape.

Here are nexAir’s automation products and services that you can leverage to dramatically improve your performance while enhancing cost efficiency and the bottom line: 


Automated Welding 

Robotic Welding System reduces human workload by using two robotic arms to weld. It relies on computer programs to automate the process. Automatic welding can perform robotic MIG welding, robotic TIG welding, plasma arc welding, and laser welding. 

This solution is ideal for large-volume repetitive welding tasks because of its speed and consistent output. With automation, the risk of inconsistent welding quality is significantly lower since it doesn’t rely on manual effort.

CNC Plasma Cutting

CNC or Computer Numeric Control Plasma Cutting employs welding automation software programs to cut metal sheets into specific shapes and sizes.  This process is relevant in industries that require complex designs. CNC is often used to manufacture automotive parts, aerospace components, and military equipment. 

Laser Welding 

Welding projects that require high flexibility and deep penetration benefit from our laser welding system. Lasers have a wide variety of welding applications, including fusing thermoplastics and metals with superior accuracy. This technological advancement reduces the need for rework due to its high-precision performance, making it suitable for mass welding activities.

Welding Positioners

We also offer welding positioners like headstock only, the multiple-axis skyhook, and the headstock and tailstock combo that can be customized for large and heavy workpieces. 

Welding positioners enable high-quality welding while offering greater safety, efficiency, speed, and flexibility as they deliver 360-degree control while tackling ergonomically challenging angles and deep welds.

Hercules Welding System

We recommend the Hercules™ High-Deposition Automated Welding System to clients who want to enjoy the benefits of automation, optimum throughput and output, and maximized productivity. It’s a cost-efficient way to enhance the work of robotic systems without investing in expensive equipment. 

With the limitless possibilities offered by these systems, you can take on more projects without sacrificing speed or accuracy. 


Supercharge Your Performance With nexAir Automation

Are you looking for ways to boost capacity, performance, and quality while easing the workload of your production team? From automated welding to laser welding and CNC plasma cutting to welding positioners and more, nexAir has tailored solutions that meet your needs. 

Talk to us today and let’s explore the possibilities together. With nexAir, next-level growth is at your fingertips.

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